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There is a seat at the Lord's table for every believer. We were each specifically chosen before the foundation of the world to sit with Him in communion.

At the last supper before Jesus' death and resurrection, He said that He would not drink wine again until the day He drinks it new with you and me in the Father's kingdom.

It's a beautiful thought that we can look forward to that day when we can share a meal with Jesus and His Father! I've imagined that day before and it's so exciting that we have this opportunity for communion with God Himself. The sharing of a meal, of laughs, and of life!

I don't imagine this meal just being a one-time thing. I imagine God will provide endless opportunities for us to connect with Him, be in communion with Him, enjoy each other's company, and create memories together. But this isn't just to look forward to for the future. It can start today! Jesus came so we could live our lives on Earth with Him and for Him. That means now! We don't need to wait for eternity.


"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom." -Matthew 26:28-29

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