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Willingly (Just Be Held)


I turn to desensitizing myself when I'm in pain because I think it will be easier than dealing with the emotions and working through them. But desensitizing also means I close my heart off to experiences and feeling pleasant things. It goes both ways.

What helps me is knowing that Jesus experienced every negative emotion, every painful situation, and every unpleasant experience, while here on earth. He understands. He can relate. He has both internal and external scars. Same as me. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to not be okay. It's okay to be sad. Life happens. But God walks with us through every step of life so that we can go to Him anytime. So we can fall on Him when we can't stand. So we can cry on His shoulder when we can't hold it together. So we can lean on Him when we need some extra support. So we can be held by Him.

I listen to the song "Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns when I'm sad because it inspires me to trust God when I need help and to surrender my pain to Him. When I can't bear the burden, He will. He loves willingly. He forgives willingly. He pursues willingly. He heals willingly. He saves willingly.

I love how the song says, "I'm making beauty out of ashes. Your life is in My hands. Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place." This pain is intentional and purposeful. There's a reason! Then it says, "You're not alone. I'm on the throne. Stop holding on, and just be held." Sometimes that's all we have to do. Trust in God's truths. Don't try to hold yourself together. Don't try to control your situation. Don't put on a facade, convincing yourself and others, that you're okay. Just be held. God is for us, not against us. He will be our comforter, counselor, lover, protector, healer, friend, and Saviour, willingly!


"Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me." -Psalm 139:10

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