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By Grace


By grace we are saved. Salvation is not something we can boast about because it is a gift from God. Don't give in to the lie that it's a reward for the good things we have done; it's not. In fact, we don't deserve it, we aren't worthy of it, but our God is just that good and faithful. We were lost but now we are found.

To truly understand and accept the grace that Jesus provides and offers so freely, we must not only receive it but, but give it, extend it, and live it out.

See, it doesn't matter where we've been, or what we've done. God doesn't pry. He doesn't question. And He doesn't condemn. Instead, He welcomes us home, fully and completely. We aren't required to do anything. God's grace does all the work.

Because we can't earn God's mercy, love, and grace, we definitely don't have to be completely put together to go to God. Perhaps, we can't even experience the vastness and depths of God's grace unless we go to Him in our time of darkest struggle and brokenness. When we seek Jesus in those times, we allow Him opportunity to reveal His power and heal, restore, and renew us.

Being ungracious leads us to ignore all that we've been given and puts barriers between our relationships. God's grace can redeem what we thought was gone forever.


"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." -Ephesians 2:8-9

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