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King Jesus Reigns


Jesus wasn't adorned with jewelry. He didn't have a throne. He wasn't raised in a wealthy family. He didn't live in a palace. He didn't have His majesty made known to all.

He humbled Himself. He was born unto a peasant girl. He learned carpentry. He worked hard. He didn't brag about who He was. He was rejected and despised, a man of many sorrows. He was crowned with thorns. This is the kind of King we have! He doesn't boast. He's not arrogant. He's kind, merciful, just, and humble. This is the King that will reign forever.

His kingdom is eternal; it is not rushed into a couple earthly, temporary years.

King Jesus is unlike any other king. Instead of lifting Himself higher to gain applause, He lowers Himself. That deserves all glory and honour and praise.

It actually says in the bible that Jesus wasn't especially attractive. (Isaiah 53:2) He was physically bland, average, and very very human. But it's beautiful that He was an example of an outstandingly gorgeous heart.

Oh, King Jesus, You reign forever! You are a ruler unlike any others. You are YOU!


"He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem." -Isaiah 53:3

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