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Something Beautiful


There's something beautiful about nature that reveals God's blessed beauty. It gives us a glimpse of majesty, when we see God's attention to detail. There's so much variety, so much to look at, question, and wonder about. Doesn't it just leave you in awe? It really puts things in perspective; it forces us to step out of our own little bubble and focus on something bigger, something more important, something eternal, something beautiful.

There's a gift that lies within the depths of His creations. We find it when we embrace all that He's done and all that He's made for us. We has gifted us with the surrounding of peace, beauty, and life. There is so much life all around us.

There's a peace about an empty path, birds chirping in the forest, waves crashing ashore, frogs leaping into a ripply pond. It's tranquil. It's not something to look past or to take for granted. We should thank God for the peace He's provided, for the beauty He's bestowed, and for the glory He's revealed. This is His creation! Thank Him for it, look out for it, and let it wash over you! Let Jesus Christ wash over you. His beauty is so worth it!


"He has made everything beautiful in its time." -Ecclesiastes 3:11 a

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