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Circumstances VS Attitude


Something I've learned is that this world is not about convenience or comfort. It's about doing whatever it takes to share God's love and build His kingdom. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in school, jobs, family and friends, that we forget that everything we do should be a representation of Jesus and helping others come to know Him. Our lives aren't about us. Our bodies aren't for us. They are for God - everything we are for God's kingdom. It's beautiful, the divine purpose we have. We are living for something greater, for Someone greater, and that's what makes life worth living. When I get upset, I have to remind myself of that - that this isn't about me! That we are a part of a far bigger mission! We are each a very important part of God's plan. He wants to use each of us, but it's our choice whether we allow Him to.

It is often in the most inconvenient situations and uncomfortable places that we encounter Jesus or experience His presence. It allows Jesus to work in our hearts when we lean on Him during those uncomfortable times, or during those painful times. He wants us to depend on Him instead of complaining, trust Him instead of grumbling, and thank Him instead of being negative. This is what will transform our attitude and result in a happier life, because it's not about our circumstances, it's about our attitude towards those circumstances!

So, no matter how difficult, frustrating, or uncomfortable things in life seem to be, take those to the Lord and let Him have control. Let Him pour love and positivity into your heart.


"Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, "children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation." Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky." -Philippians 2:14-15

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