Trust, Obey, and Praise
We don't have the wisdom of God. We don't know everything that He's doing and planning. We can't see everything of the present or the future. But we can see the past. We can make note of the miracles He's previously performed and let that give us hope that He'll do that again!
We learn so much about Jesus and His character when we take a look at our pasts, our trials, our mistakes, and see what God did with them, and transformed us through them. For myself, God always teaches me BIG things and that's what makes these harder seasons worth it.
It's the ability to look into the past that drives the future. It's the ability to see how God has worked in our lives that allows us to trust that He's still active and alive!
This is why we can't forget all that He's done for us. When we forget or fail to see the miracles He's performed, we lose the power to see the 'big picture' view that He's given us.
When all seems lost and broken, call out to the Lord and He will strengthen you! Simply whisper, "I trust You, Jesus," and He will deliver you, empower you, and comfort you. He has proven Himself a good, merciful, and faithful God, and He will prove Himself again. Trust Him with your life. Obey Him when it doesn't make sense. And praise Him because He is worthy. When life doesn't seem to be going YOUR way, don't stress, it's going HIS way!
"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." -Lamentations 3:22-23