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Broken Hearts


The past couple weeks have been some of the hardest, for myself, but I'm holding on tightly to God's promises. I'm holding on to Him because I don't know what else to do. I'm holding on because in Jesus' time of deepest pain and suffering, He held on to me, still. I'm choosing to cling to the only thing that's safe, constant, strong, stable, and sturdy.

The other morning, during my devotions, God placed something so beautiful on my heart. He spoke the most comforting, hopeful, and endearing words to me. I hope they can help you in some way as well. Here they are:

Maybe God breaks our hearts so we'd know how to care for others with broken hearts.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to teach us a lesson we wouldn't have been able to learn any other way.

Maybe God breaks our hearts so we can call on Him in our time of weakness and learn the true strength of the Lord.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to prevent us from shattering our own by foolishness and sin.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to reveal to us an area of our lives that needs forgiveness, or healing, or trust.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to show the need for a Holy God in our broken, sinful world.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to provide the opportunity to surrender our hearts and lives to the One who suffered the most anguish and yet holds all goodness, mercy, love, redemption, and peace in His own heart.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to allow us an opportunity to connect with someone we wouldn't have otherwise.

Maybe God breaks our hearts so we can experience the gift of community and having a shoulder to cry on.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to allow us to fall more deeply in love with Him than ever before.

Maybe God breaks our hearts to give us yet another reason to praise Him.

Even in times of heartbreak, God's goodness, mercy, and faithfulness remains. He wants our hearts, even if they're weak, broken, and frail. We're so precious to Him, and He's so precious to us!


"My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise." -Psalm 51:17

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