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Broken Beyond Belief


We are broken beyond belief

We are slaves in our own land

Our hearts hold pain and grief

But we lie in Your hand

This promise we hold on to

That you will be with us

That you will get us through

We just have to trust

We are broken beyond belief

We are slaves in our own land

Our hearts hold pain and grief

But we lie in Your hand

Following you is not serene

It's a challenging road

Your calling here foreseen

And there your blessings flowed

We are broken beyond belief

We are slaves in our own land

Our hearts hold pain and grief

But we lie in Your hand

This is a song I wrote. It shows that sometimes life is filled with difficulty but God still cares. We still lie safely in His hand. Nobody ever said life was going to be easy. In fact, Jesus' life was the opposite of easy. But we can take heart and know that Jesus conquered the world. Through Jesus there is also opportunity for revival. For transformation. He wants to open and soften our hearts towards Him, towards His people, and towards His causes. Let Jesus break your heart for what breaks His. Let's trust that there's a way out of the mess, the pain, and the sorrow that we experience in this life. He promises this so let's hold on tightly to that.

Following Jesus is never easy, smooth, and a simple adjustment. When we follow Jesus, we give up all that we held on to before, the things of the world, and we move in a completely different direction. But God will then bless us through our faithfulness to Him; He will reap the rewards of this friendship in our lives.

Let's get up, out of our hurt, pain, misery, suffering, sorrow, brokenness, and let's rejoice in the victory that Jesus won for all His people.


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -John 16:33

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