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His Desires


Giving our desires up to God is a rewarding task. It's so important that we don't hold on to our worries about and our desires for our lives. God wants to take them off our shoulders! The thing is, when we give our desires to Him, He doesn't just fulfill them. He changes them, alters them, and tweaks them. Slowly, over time, God turns our desires into His desires so that we are wanting what God is wanting for our lives. It's truly an amazing thing.

Lately, I have been giving my desires to God about my future husband, my future kids, and my future career. God has been working in my heart to give me a mature, healthy and spiritually pure picture of an ideal future life! He can and will do the same thing for you. There is no need to fear God's will, instead embrace it. Remember that God's desires for your life are a thousand times better than any desires you could ever come up with yourself.

It says in Psalms that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts. What a divine promise Jesus has made to us! Let's choose to live that out today!


"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." -Psalm 37:4

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