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Joyful Celebration


Christmas is an amazing time of year! It's a time of joy and happiness for many, however it's a time of deep sorrow for those who are alone, don't have families, or who have experienced loss. Christmas is a holiday to celebrate because God sent down his son to our world. Jesus lived to die, as sad as it is, God did it for us. That's how big His love is. This is a victory that we need to rejoice in and celebrate!

Celebrating Jesus' birth doesn't have to be with a Christmas tree and lots of presents. Celebrating comes in many forms and I challenge you to celebrate our Saviour by giving to, loving, or serving others.

Giving doesn't have to be buying the most expensive, extraordinary, and valuable gift, because the true value in a present is the meaning, intention, and love behind it. Real gifts are the ones that last, the ones that form deep connections, relationships, or friendships, and the ones that reveal God's love for us.

Give your Mom a hug, make your sister a cup of coffee for when she wakes up, or make the decision and commitment of sponsoring a child. Each of these gifts are special, unique, and will be very much appreciated.

This is not the time of year to be self-centered, wanting to receive more than one gets, or to be concerned for your own happiness. Be a light in the darkness.

Jesus entered into our world to journey with us, to love us, heal us, serve us, be an example for us, and then to die for us. This is what we are called to do. We need to enter into someone else's world. get to know them, serve them, and love them in Jesus' name. This is the perfect season to do it! Let's go out into the world to be a light, to love and to celebrate what our Lord has done for us.


"When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy." -Matthew 2:10

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