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Sweet and Refreshing


God is so good. He blesses us with people, with community, with family and friends. God doesn't want us to go through this life alone. He places others in our lives for a purpose sometimes beyond our own understanding. He often speaks to us through the people closest to us. It's a special thing.

A close friend is like a direct link to our Father. Every smile, every wink, every opportunity for a spiritual conversation is God's planning. He takes care of EVERY detail!

On our best days, we share many laughs and create really fun memories! And on our worst days, we share hugs, tears, and encouragement. Those days are needed just as much as the good ones, to build a friendship. There's something beautiful about being vulnerable and shedding tears on a friend's shoulder and knowing they are here for you.

A friend is not supposed to tire you out and make you feel mentally drained; a sweet friendship is supposed to make you feel refreshed and energized. This is how God intended it to be. I want to always give thanks for the friends and family that God has so graciously blessed me with! I love God's precious and amazing attention to detail. God is so good.


"Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul." -Proverbs 27:9 MSG

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