His Elaborate Plan
Sometimes it's scary to trust. Sometimes it's scary to rely on God's plan instead of your own. The thing is, God's will is not something that we should be afraid of, it's something that we should embrace. God knows us better than we know ourselves. God's plans for our lives are more extravagant, beautiful and elaborate than anything we can imagine. It tops all the plans that we could have made.
God's plans for our lives were made with our best interest in mind. He has firmly planted His desires for our lives in our heart and made them our desires.
Although we may not want to pursue an unknown plan created by God, it's worthwhile. If we don't trust Him and we follow our own knowledge we will be lead to destruction. God's plan leads to fulfillment, joy, wholeness, happiness, and satisfaction. We have to understand that we are not in control of our lives. We never have been. We don't have the option of waking up in the morning or not. We don't have a choice of if we want the sun to shine today or not. God is in control. He is powerful. He is also faithful and will fulfill His divine promises to us. When you truly get to know the Lord, you will realize that there is nothing to fear, because we have all the power on our side. We just need to trust the One who is in complete control.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5-6