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Giving Thanks


Jesus instructs us to give thanks in all circumstances! It's hard to do sometimes, but it's one of those things that get easier with time; it will eventually become very natural. Being thankful is very rewarding. God blesses us through our attitude and positive energy. Have you ever thought that God was blessing someone else through your good vibes? Your motivation and ability to look on the bright side? Well He's doing that too! It's altogether healthy and creates a spiritually safe environment.

Giving thanks is more than appreciating God's works, it opens up the heavens and brings eternity down into your heart. Yes, your heart. This allows God to pour His love straight into your soul. Giving thanks is a way we can show our love for God and all that He does. There are so many hidden details in our life stories that are revealed to us through the gift of thankfulness. We can't take anything for granted.

There's a quote I love that says, "Don't forget to pray because God didn't forget to wake you up this morning". It is a great reminder of how often Jesus thinks about us. But how often do we think of Him? Often enough? It is a great reminder of the little things that we expect to be done, but God isn't obligated to do them. Such as bringing the sun up each morning, bringing friends and family into our day to brighten our spirits, or the gift of music and the ability to freely worship our Father.

Today is a great day to start giving thanks to our Loving Saviour! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! :)


"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." - 1 Chronicles 16:34

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